stop the pink
Thermography of Brevard, LLC, has partnered with Stop the Pink, a local foundation, that helps women in Brevard and Indian River counties receive free breast scans! Stop the Pink’s mission is to fund women experiencing financial hardship with the means to have breast thermography.
Thermography is a non-invasive, radiation free, pain free breast screening that can detect breast cancer cells 8-10 years before those cells would form a tumor that a mammogram could detect. Thermography shows the physiological and vascular changes in the breast tissue and gives you time to stop and reverse the development of breast cancer. Thermography is prevention before detection.
Stop the Pink was founded by Shelly Gardner, a breast cancer survivor and two-time leukemia survivor. Shelly is passionate about helping women have the means to have breast thermography and prevent breast cancer. Learn more or apply for the free grant at www.stopthepink.org